

What is UCMExporter

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UCMExporter was developped by Ali Echihabi during his final co-op work term (summer 2003) with Dr. Daniel Amyot.

UCMExporter takes as input an XML document generated by the UCMNav tool. UCMExporter can generate three types of outputs for you and they are:

  • Message Sequence Charts: UCMExporter will generate an MSC for each scenario. The generated MSC files can be visualized with Telelogic Tau 4.4
  • UML Sequence Diagrams: UCMExporter will generate an XMI (version 1.1) document that has one interaction (collaboration) for each UCM scenario. UCMExporter can add diagram layout infroamtion to the XMI document in order to visulaize the sequence diagrams with Rational Rose (needs the Unisys plugin that you can download from here)
  • TTCN-3 Test Cases: UCMExporter transforms UCM Scenarios into Test Cases and Test Goals in the Testing and Test Cases Notation (TTCN) version 3. UCMExporter integrated the previous work done by Bryan Mulvihill.

UCMExporter is available at


Copyright © Use Case Maps User Group.
Last update: August 23, 2003